Oh, terrific video! I love how thoughtful you are about what fires creativity. Or I didn't understand what you were saying at all. It's one of those two. ;-)
I think you got it, Anthony! Thanks for watching and reading - I consider every eyeball watching, brain firing, and open heart a victory. (Because I don't get many readers. so I celebrate each one individually, lol)
Although... I shared a video this morning on my instagram wondering if I'd left my heart a little too open on this trip? Everything's fallen out and I'm having a post-trip comedown crisis! Swings and roundabouts, as they say.
You know, my experience is that the feeling of a hole left in your heart is greater for the people you left behind at the place you visited, than it is for you as the traveller who decided for yourself when you would arrive and then leave again. As Aussies do, I've uprooted myself a few times too and left friends behind to travel the world, and I hold those memories precious rather than regretting that I can't be in all of those many different places that I would love to be at once.
Oh, terrific video! I love how thoughtful you are about what fires creativity. Or I didn't understand what you were saying at all. It's one of those two. ;-)
I think you got it, Anthony! Thanks for watching and reading - I consider every eyeball watching, brain firing, and open heart a victory. (Because I don't get many readers. so I celebrate each one individually, lol)
Although... I shared a video this morning on my instagram wondering if I'd left my heart a little too open on this trip? Everything's fallen out and I'm having a post-trip comedown crisis! Swings and roundabouts, as they say.
Oh, what is your Instagram handle?
You know, my experience is that the feeling of a hole left in your heart is greater for the people you left behind at the place you visited, than it is for you as the traveller who decided for yourself when you would arrive and then leave again. As Aussies do, I've uprooted myself a few times too and left friends behind to travel the world, and I hold those memories precious rather than regretting that I can't be in all of those many different places that I would love to be at once.