Hi, I’m Janeen. This is my favorite jumper.
I’m a writer living in California and originally—as you may have tweaked by my use of the word jumper—from Australia. I write about creativity and just random creative, art, and life stuff. Creatively. I sometimes try to write comedy. (Note the word try.)
One fun fact about me:
I sometimes begin a conversation by saying:
“I don’t know if I told you this, but I once rode my bicycle across America.”
Because I did. But enough about me, what about this newsletter?
Subscriber Breakdown
Subscribe for Free, $5 a month, or $50 a year (best value!) There’s also a Founding Member option, which is basically for folks who want to give a little bit extra because they believe in me. It’s the yearly paid sub, on steroids.
Free subs get
Free issue of The Stream, delivered to your inbox every two weeks, weather permitting
Free issue of Behind the Streams, a video post that goes behind the scenes and themes of the previous week’s written post.
Paid subs get
Free issue of The Stream, delivered to your inbox every two weeks, weather permitting
Free issue of Behind the Streams, a video post that goes behind the scenes and themes of the previous week’s written post.
Subscriber-only occasional messages from me.
All subscribers will have my love and gratitude!
What’s Behind the Streams?
This is a video with BONUS behind-the-scenes stuff relating to the newsletter and the creative life in general. And random other Janeen-ery.
All episodes of Behind the Streams can be found here.
You should follow my podcast while you’re at it
Yes, what a shock. I have a podcast called Field of Streams, which contains all the audio recordings for the main feature stories of each post. It’s always about three months behind the current post, but they go up weekly, and are nice and short!
Find your podcast platform of choice here, and follow for my voice in your ears, weekly.
Yes, But What’s The Stream?
The Stream is written by the person wearing the jumper above and is about creativity and writing and being an arts tragic.
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gl;dr (Good length; did read)
This tiny house, my head my heart my body my soul, is filled with tiny thoughts. These thoughts are like the ethereal chemtrails of somersaulted astronauts—floating, shimmering, adorable conspiracies at the edge of the atmosphere, anxious for oxygen. Sentences like that reek of hyperbolic fluff, but don’t mind them, they’re just feeling their oats. They are pushing on their embryonic walls. They are curious about the future and will eagerly pull at that last thread of your favorite jumper. You know, the one that might unravel it all.
Or to put it another way: Many tiny thoughts should never leave my tiny mind house. But they’re going to, every week. They will jump blindly into The Stream.
Will you be a chaperone? Do you agree to guide them through rough waters, to provide your firm hand to grasp their not-drowning-waving one? Once read, they can bravely face the scorn of the sword or the warmth of applause and in that moment they will live or they will die. Brief, as they were born to be. It will be beautiful. Or it will be ugly. Either way, minutes of your life will be lost and that will be our contract.
Sign up to chaperone one tiny thought every Monday, delivered straight to your inbox, and if you become a paid supporter, you’ll get a second missive on Friday. (More on that below.)
Tiny thoughts will also bring treats as amends, in case you don’t like said tiny thought. These amends might be something pretty, something fun, or something for your ears. Or all of those things. The whole shebang will be like a creative corsage, festooned elegantly upon your virtual wrist.