
Behind the Streams, Ep. 32: "Wolf"

In which I discuss our lycanthropic tendencies and howl a lot.

If you didn’t read this week’s post “The Wolf in Me” I will read it to you, dramatically and enthusiastically, below. 👇

Reading commences as soon as you hit play. Enjoy!


Notes from the Captain

My dearest Crew, I howl at you a friendly greeting of adoration and acceptance.

All welcome.

All wolves.

All people.

Wolves are beautiful creatures. Creatures that can rip you to shreds. Physically. Emotionally. All the ‘ly words. But the one inside you means you no harm. It is the protector, the thinker, the hunter. The Darewolf, the Sharewolf, the Carewolf.

I like a good howl. A howl for release at the moon at the sun at the world. What does your howl contain? All the angst of your day? All the frustration at your job? Or is it a joyful yowl to express your affinity for all things alive?

Go practice your wild yowl and howl and I will meet you on the moors and prairies and hilltops of this earth to throw sound into the atmosphere.

But until then, let’s keep making stuff, with the growl of our dreams echoing softly in our throats.

Be good to each other and yourself, that’s an order.

🐺 Aaaahhhhhhhhhrooooooooooooooooo!

Your Captain, Janeen 🫡

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Thangs from this episode…

👩‍✈️ Some “Curse”ory Werewolf Stuffs

The first video is the first one I saw that promoted the post. The others are just ones I found while looking for stuff to put in this week’s episode above.

👩‍✈️ Musical Nods

The Pete Molinari song.

Although he’s listed on some sites as having written the song, it’s a cover of a Billy Childish song. There’s a version from 1996 by Thee Headcoats then another version from “My First Billy Childish Album” which is a compilation album of a bunch of bands Childish has been in. That version sounds WAAAY different again.

Either way, I love the Pete Molinari take. Great cover. I’m adding it to my favorite covers list

The Stream Favorite Covers playlist

👩‍✈️ “What Happens to a Werewolf on the Moon?”

I know you’re dying to read this study “On the Dangers of Lycanthropy and Lunar Exploration,” by Philip Plait, Astronecronomical Institute.

Read it at Scientific American

At this time, NASA, together with the European and Canadian space agencies, is already executing a program to return humans to the moon after a half-century gap in its exploration. This laudable goal comes with no small risk, but one simple threat is perhaps not taken seriously enough: What if someone on one of these flights is stricken with lycanthropy?

👩‍✈️ Howling at the moon or….?

👩‍✈️ Heavy Temple

The header (or more specifically, my head) in Monday’s post, was from the album Lupi Amoris, by Heavy Temple. If you’re looking for some prog and fifth-dimensional riffs, they’re the band for you.

Take a listen.

Thanks for listening/watching and sharing. If you want to chat about any of the concepts in this week’s post—or just in general—feel free to leave a comment for the Captain (it me.)

Do. Make. Be.


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