Please enjoy this week’s dramatic reading of Monday’s post: “What Ever Happened to Quicksand?” 👇
Notes from the Captain
If you listen to the audio first, you’ll miss this structure explanation (which is in the video). The post is essentially broken into three chunks.
Gen X Janeen watches classic tv where the character sinks in quicksand.
Adult Janeen has an idea that sinks in creative quicksand.
Pulling an idea from the creative quicksand, hooray!
Parts 1 and 2 follow the same structure of paragraphs having set word counts that half each paragraph as it sinks into the quicksand (if that makes sense), and 3 flips as the idea is pulled out of the creative quicksand by a salvation rope. Watch the video—it’ll all make sense!
And here’s the pic - redrawn - from the video, and a visual of all three elements.

If you listen to the audio, I also made up some dumb ads on the spot to record and add to the piece. They’re…. adequate.
Until next we meet, love what you love,
Your Captain, Janeen 🫡
Thangs mentioned in this episode…
👩✈️ Sink yourself into all these quicksand links
“The Rise and Fall of Quicksand” [The article that I mentioned about quicksand]
Can you Really Get Stuck in Quicksand? [video]
The World’s Deadliest Quicksand Pits [video]
👩✈️ TV Shows I mentioned
I couldn’t remember what the tv show in The Banana Splits was. I found it. It was called: Danger Island. I don’t know if it ever used quicksand as a plot point, but like Tarzan and Lost in Space and all those old gems, it was a staple of my childhood tv obsession.
And here’s The Banana Splits - both opening and closing theme - just because!
👩✈️ Army Ants (and naughty ants in general)
There’s a classic McGuver episode with it.
The Naked Jungle movie… “They’re coming across on leaves!”
And I used scenes from this in my video. These are not army ants, they’re just A-holes.
And here’s everything you ever wanted to know about Australian Meat Ants, which I mentioned at one point during the video and then edited out completely. When I was growing up, there were always huge meat ant nests around.
I think that’s it…. thanks for listening/watching/being.
Do something great this weekend.
Do. Make. Be.
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