Please enjoy this week’s dramatic reading of Monday’s post: “Periodically Yours for the Making, Full Stop” 👇
Notes from the Captain
Crazy what comes to you at the edge of the precipice of sleep. It was just a line. A line that popped into my head.
The dot is not the end. It is the start.
And then I woke up and rambled on for nearly 1,000 words the next morning. I think it must nearly be 1,000. I dunno. I didn’t count them. (Goes to Word and checks—it was 1,038 words. Not sure how many periods are in there, but knowing me and my love for short sentences, a lot.)
I hope that you fell into the delicious possibility of the void of the full stop/period this week and wrote something great, even if it was just the act of writing an idea down.
Until next we meet, love what you love,
Your Captain, Janeen 🫡
Thangs mentioned in this episode…
👩✈️ The NYT Video
The film I mention in the video is called Farewell : ETAOIN SHRDLU—the title is explained toward the end of it—and it documents the final day of hot metal typesetting at the New York Times. It is really interesting, especially if you’re into old-school industrial machines and very specific trades.
You can read more about the film at Colossal: A Fascinating Film About the Last Day of Hot Metal Typesetting at the New York Times
Here is a high res scan of the issue of the paper they were making in the film for this last run.
👩✈️ Pale Blue Dot
I’ve put this in a post before, but it’s always good for a revisit.
👩✈️ Full stop vs. Period
Here’s a story on why the period/full stop is an endangered species. Maybe?
Period. Full Stop. Point. Whatever It’s Called, It’s Going Out of Style
It’s a NYT link, and if it’s behind a paywall for you, 12ftladder it. I think that still works.
👩✈️ Mind your P’s and Q’s
I mentioned one theory on where it comes from in today’s video—typesetters having to read letters upside down and backward—but like anything, there are many theories on where this saying came from.
Snopes lists the four main ones, including the typesetter theory. I also like the beer one.
Etymology of 'Mind your P's and Q's.'
This real answer, it seems, is still a bit of a mystery.
👩✈️ Sleep Song
I did some weird placements of this song throughout the video. Here it is in its entirety. It’s already made an appearance in The Stream on Rotation Playlist. I just find it very… calming. Weird.
👩✈️ Slappin da base
Just because.
I think that’s it…. thanks for listening/watching/being.
Do something great this weekend.
Do. Make. Be.
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