
Behind the Streams Episode 14: "Citizen"

A bit of a show and tell episode on the day I became a citizen.

But first! If you didn’t have a chance to read this week’s post “The Episode in Which I Become a Citizen, I will happily read it to you in a very dramatic fashion, below 👇



Notes from the Captain

Apologies for the delay this morning. I’m camping right now and although I have the StarLink for internet, there are a lot of trees, which means regular signal dropouts during a 1.5GB video upload. I’ve been trying to upload it for hours—since 7:30 AM! It’s now 1 PM. It failed multiple times with about 10 minutes to go (of a one-hour upload) and boy, would I get mad. Anyway, it’s here. I survived.

Here is a photo of the camp mobile office setup.

And now. The post.

It’s been a great two weeks, and I’m happy to say people seemed glad to see me throw my lot in with the Americans. Along with the video storytime, this is just a photo post today. The letter which I mentioned in both Monday’s post and the video is below.

Until next we meet, love what you love,

Your Captain, Janeen 🫡

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Thangs mentioned in this episode…

👩‍✈️ The Letter from my new pen pal, Joe

👩‍✈️ More photos from the day

I think that’s it…. thanks for listening/watching/being.

Do something great this weekend.

Do. Make. Be.


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