
Behind the Streams, Ep. 35: "Carrot God"

A video deep dive into how to worship the value of self. Or is it just about carrots?

If you didn’t read this week’s post “The Dangling Carrot of Destiny” I will read it to you, dramatically and enthusiastically, below. 👇

Reading commences as soon as you hit play. Enjoy!


Notes from the Captain

Crew, are you eating your vegetables? Are you quite spiritually connected to one kind of vegetable? Gourds perhaps, for who can resist a gourd? Or maybe, as in this week’s post, you have a connection with carrots?

I find the idea of Carrot Man (the inspiration for Monday’s post) enchanting, although I will admit there’s some part of my mind that’s been conditioned to think “creep” as my first blush reaction to what he’s doing. But by all accounts survey says: Not a Creep. He’s just a guy on a pension walking around with a giant carrot. A conversation carrot. A carrot looking for social connection. As an aside, might I say that the papier-mâché craftsmanship of the carrot is excellent? Very impressive.

It’s weird the things we connect with. While Monday’s post was structured as some kind of prayer slash sermon hybrid giving praise to a carrot god, it is in no way intended to suggest that we should don our orange robes and construct shrines to false vegetable gods.

Also, I believe the orange robe thing as a look is already taken. That drip hath dropped.

But, I digress, for this this was not a post about religion.

We all need something to believe in and at a minimum, I think we should start by believing in ourselves.

Peel ourselves right back to the wet center.

Carrot God says you are worthy.

Carrot God says you are capable.

Carrot God says you are a gem.

I look upon you, crew, and see the potential in you all.

But I am not Carrot.

Do not make me your Carrot God.

Faith is a feeling, just like all the others. Put your faith in you right in your pocket so you know it’s always there. That feeling sustains in the darkest of rooms.

And on that note, I will see you above deck.

Your Captain, Janeen 🫡

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Thangs from this episode…

👩‍✈️ The Carrot Man

‘There he goes with the carrot’: how walking the streets with a giant papier-mache vegetable made Nathan a Melbourne legend - The Guardian

Where is Carrot Man? (Instagram sightings)

This is The Carrot Man 👇

👩‍✈️ Baby Carrots

What a scam. They aren’t babies at all!

👩‍✈️ Prayer Hands vs. High Five

While not the prayer hand I was talking about in the video, I’ve always loved how people have their own meanings for emojis. You cannot control the people!

👩‍✈️ Carats and Karats (but no carrots)

Thanks for listening/watching and sharing. If you want to chat about any of the concepts in this week’s post—or just in general—feel free to leave a comment for the Captain (it me.)

Do. Make. Be.


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