ICYMI (reading the post that video is referring to) you can read it riiiiiight here 👉 “How to plant, nurture, and grow an Adventure Capitalist.”
If you’d rather I read it to you, I am happy to do so.👇 Reading commences as soon as you hit play. Enjoy!
Notes from the Captain
Crew. It feels weird to even bring up Capitalism at a time when the failure to turn a profit is being used as a weapon against things where perhaps profit is not the goal. But here we are and there we grieve.
Anxiety’s sure got a hold on me lately. Opt out! Abort!
Not a lot of background thematic links this week. I mostly spent time in my head and heart, with only ancillary dabbling into things that might help us to understand the basic principles and practices I was using to frame up the idea of an Adventure Capitalist. Of someone who lives a curious and adventurous life with a curious and adventurous soul.
If I think too hard and for too long about the perplexity of people and how unpredictable we are, I go down sad rabbit holes and seem to find warmth in the darkness so let me just end this short note by urging you to plant that Adventure Capitalist seed. And by that, I mean have courage. Be bold. Don’t let the onslaught of onslaughtery shut you down.
All is Love.
🫡 Your Captain.
Thangs from this episode…
👩✈️ What is Capitalism?
The basics, including pros and cons.
So many videos explain economic systems via cartoons. Ha! Supply and demand, baby. This one has some historic context and storytelling.
I haven’t finished watching this yet, but Chokepoint Capitalism is a helluva term. The book of the same name (by Rebecca Giblin and Cory Doctorow) is “a book about why creative labor markets are rigged – and how to unrig them.”
👩✈️ Ok, but what is Venture Capital?
No cartoon this time. Legos instead.
👩✈️ Seeds man, they really grow on you
Seed time lapses for your viewing enjoyment.
👩✈️ Adventure Capitalist - the game
I’m wondering if the reason I never used the “Adventure Capitalist” headline all those years ago was because I googled it and found there was already a game of the same name. It’s probably more likely that I just didn’t have a brief that it would’ve worked for at the time, but again, there we go and here we are.
Judging by the way they wrote out the name, emphasizing the Ad makes me think there’s a probably a lot of in-game purchases available. Here’s the wikipedia game summary:
“AdVenture Capitalist allows players to live like a capitalist and invest funds into certain products to generate revenue, by starting out with a single lemonade stand.”
This bit: “When the player reaches 100 trillion dollars on Earth, they can start investing in a new world.”
Mars. They’re talking about Mars. This game was ahead of its time, obviously.
Ok. That’s it for this week. Thanks for listening/watching and sharing this week. If you want to comment on any of the concepts in last week’s post—or just in general—feel free to leave a comment for the Captain (it me.)
Janeen 🫡
Shameless Podcast Plug
Listen to audio versions of early issues of The Stream on my podcast, Field of Streams, available on 👉 all major podcasting platforms 👈
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